You can install much loved Linux console programs like Lynx (text web browser) and Midnight Commander (powerful file browser) on Mac OSX using homebrew program installer “Brew”.
Example: Install Lynx
First you must install Brew. After this, you can install other programs with Brew.
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" < /dev/null 2> /dev/null
Now use Brew to install Lynx:
brew install lynx
Now you can test it out:
Did you see in a text browser?
Try installing the Midnight Commander:
brew install mc
You can check out the “Brew” homepage and use the search for new programs to install. You can also very how many programs you have installed with this command:
brew list
I love Mac OSX but I can’t live without Lynx. Web surfing without busy ads and pictures. Enjoy!