HTTP ERROR: 503 Can’t load server
My subsonic installation was not working! I tried everything (or so I thought) including reinstalling subsonic, looking at my router settings (is 4040 configured properly?) etc. Finally I found the solution: cleaning up a corrupt Subsonic Database. If you are being met with a 503 html error, this could be your fix.
Stop Subsonic
sudo service subsonic stop
Backup your /var/subsonic/db/subsonic.script file
This file contains a handful of SQL statements that will be used later to recreate your users, media directory settings, etc.
sudo cp /var/subsonic/db/subsonic.script /root/
Delete the contents of your /var/subsonic/db/ directory
sudo rm /var/subsonic/db/*
Restore your subsonic.script file
sudo cp /root/subsonic.script /var/subsonic/db/
Start Subsonic
sudo service subsonic start
Your Subsonic media library will now be empty, you’ll want to go to “Settings…” “Media Folders…” and click “Scan media folders now”