During the Covid lockdown, I have challenged myself to use a Raspberry Pi 4 as a daily driver computer and so far, it has lived up to the task. The Pi 4 is using Raspberry Pi OS (formerly ‘Raspbian’) running off of an SSD. I have a DAC/ADC, CD-RW, external SD card reader, and several… Continue reading Using a Raspberry Pi 4 as a daily driver
Category: Raspberry Pi
Install SDR (Software Defined Radio) Software GQRX on a Mac
So, you are interested in using an SDR module and SDR software on your Mac?Homebrew is the easiest install method I have found. The other method involves MacPorts. I was successful using this method on one Mac. On the other… nope. GQRX is a great open-source program that will do the trick. First you will… Continue reading Install SDR (Software Defined Radio) Software GQRX on a Mac
Install Spotify Connect on your Raspberry Pi with ‘raspotify” on Raspberry Pi OS
Setting up Spotify Connect on the Raspberry Pi First update your Pi’s OS: sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade Install ‘curl’ and ‘apt-transport-https’ sudo apt install -y apt-transport-https curl Add the raspotify repository and the GPG key: curl -sSL https://dtcooper.github.io/raspotify/key.asc | sudo apt-key add -v – echo ‘deb https://dtcooper.github.io/raspotify raspotify main’ | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/raspotify.list… Continue reading Install Spotify Connect on your Raspberry Pi with ‘raspotify” on Raspberry Pi OS
Unrar multiple files + file name spaces in the terminal
First, when dealing with the spaces in a file name while using the terminal, you can use a back-slash before the space. Example: File name with spaces.txt For the terminal: File name with spaces.txt Sometimes we run across a downloaded file online that was created by utilizing the winrar multiple-file feature to make a huge… Continue reading Unrar multiple files + file name spaces in the terminal
Private VPN on Ubuntu Server or Raspberry Pi
I can run my own VPN that becomes an encrypted, point-to-point connection from anywhere? Say what? Relatively safe and secure using public wifi? Yes, it’s true. You can setup PiVPN on your Ubuntu Server or Raspberry Pi device. There are three components to this: PiVPN running on the server, the UFW firewall configuration, and the… Continue reading Private VPN on Ubuntu Server or Raspberry Pi
Commodore 64 (Vic 20, Pet, etc) emulator from Raspberry Pi Raspbian
I can confirm this install method (source) worked with a Raspberry Pi 4 using Raspbian Buster. Compiles Vice and installs into /usr/local/bin. Initial launch reports a sound issue. If you go into settings (F12), there’s a sound configuration you can change to “Alsa”. … # get dependencies – this may take a long time and… Continue reading Commodore 64 (Vic 20, Pet, etc) emulator from Raspberry Pi Raspbian
3D printing discussion/Urban Knish Podcast
[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/631513482″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /] Comgrow Creality Ender 3 Pro 3D Printer Comgrow 3D Printer PLA Filament 1.75mm 1KG Spool Thingiverse 3D models Some free CAD programs for designing 3D parts Public Domain music played during the podcast
Gaming on the Raspberian Stretch Desktop
It really surprises me that there isn’t a Raspberry Pi gaming scene. I’m not talking about emulation. I’m talking about games that run native on the Pi in Raspbian. Old machines like the Atari 2600, Colecovision, ZX Spectrum and the Commodore 64 have an embarrassing wealth of new games coming out all the time. The… Continue reading Gaming on the Raspberian Stretch Desktop
Manually Install RetroPie over Raspbian Stretch
If you are enjoying a full or lite install of Raspbian on your Raspberry Pi, you can also manually install RetroPie rather than work off of a RetroPie SD image. It’s advisable to first tell your Pi to boot into console mode at boot. pi@raspberry:~$ sudo raspi-config Choose (3) Boot Options B1 Desktop/CLI B2 Console… Continue reading Manually Install RetroPie over Raspbian Stretch
Raspberry Pi as a Spotify Connect source
This is verified to work with a Raspberry Pi model 3 B+ with Raspbian Stretch on 01/20/19. It really should work with any Pi using Jessie too. The program we will use to stream music from any device to our Pi is called “raspotify“, which makes our Pi into a Spotify connect source. We will… Continue reading Raspberry Pi as a Spotify Connect source