Category: Subsonic
Review of the Streaming Service with comparisons to the competition.
The Murfie Streaming Service has a new owner and the service is almost ready to launch. Is it worth using? [youtube]
Ripping Compact Discs with dbpoweramp
I am working on a mass CD-ripping project. Currently, I do have a hard drive filled with FLAC copies of all my CDs. The only issue is that they were ripped over the span of 10+ years and I can’t trust their accuracy. I was thinking of re-ripping them all at the same time with… Continue reading Ripping Compact Discs with dbpoweramp
Ripping compact discs with Ubuntu OS
The two main Linux programs I use in Ubuntu to rip CDs are Sound Juicer and XCFA. Sound Juicer is the easiest to use and setup. However there are limitations. If a CD is not in the MusicBrainz database, the program will error out. Also, the type of encoders you choose cannot be fine tuned… Continue reading Ripping compact discs with Ubuntu OS
Subsonic issues on Ubuntu Server?
HTTP ERROR: 503 Can’t load server My subsonic installation was not working! I tried everything (or so I thought) including reinstalling subsonic, looking at my router settings (is 4040 configured properly?) etc. Finally I found the solution: cleaning up a corrupt Subsonic Database. If you are being met with a 503 html error, this could… Continue reading Subsonic issues on Ubuntu Server?