Connect a PC to a Commodore 1541/1571 drive

Did you ever want to transfer files from your old Commodore 1541/1571 drive between your computer and a real drive? Did you also want to use a real Commodore floppy drive with the VICE emulator? Me too! 😉 Both of these things are possible with the zoomfloppy device being offered by Retro Innovations. You can… Continue reading Connect a PC to a Commodore 1541/1571 drive

Subsonic issues on Ubuntu Server?

HTTP ERROR: 503 Can’t load server My subsonic installation was not working! I tried everything (or so I thought) including reinstalling subsonic, looking at my router settings (is 4040 configured properly?) etc. Finally I found the solution: cleaning up a corrupt Subsonic Database. If you are being met with a 503 html error, this could… Continue reading Subsonic issues on Ubuntu Server?

Ubuntu fstab; mount external drive at boot

Procedure for rescuing an Ubuntu Server when the boot file gets messed up due to a misnamed external hard drive. Backup the current fstab file: sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.old List the drives: sudo blkid Example output: /dev/sda1: UUID=”8F1B-7691″ TYPE=”vfat” PARTUUID=”eea0152e-f8aa-4d1f-8d44-172261edd5a2″ /dev/sda2: UUID=”5be250be-a857-11e8-9dd6-a82066361186″ TYPE=”ext4″ PARTUUID=”9ba42200-226c-4e67-a667-649658dfbd0b” /dev/loop0: TYPE=”squashfs” /dev/loop1: TYPE=”squashfs” /dev/loop2: TYPE=”squashfs” /dev/loop3: TYPE=”squashfs” /dev/sdb1: LABEL=”media” UUID=”746622C40BE949C9″… Continue reading Ubuntu fstab; mount external drive at boot

Force Ubuntu Server to redirect http to https

If you want to redirect your web address from http to https, you will have to configure your server’s virtual host file. Edit the virtualhost file to update the port 80 portion; replace “” with your domain name: sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/ Edit the :80 portion (in bold), replacing <ip_or_host> with your domain name: <VirtualHost *:80>… Continue reading Force Ubuntu Server to redirect http to https

Static IP address for Ubuntu Server 18.04 “netplan”

If you are using Ubuntu Server version 18.04 LTS and want to configure a static IP address, the procedure has changed for network interface configuration. We used to configure /etc/network/interfaces but now the system uses something called netplan. If you try to configure the old “interfaces” file, it will point you to this new netplan… Continue reading Static IP address for Ubuntu Server 18.04 “netplan”

Install Sony Playstation Now (PS Now) on Ubuntu

I’m always looking at ways to play video games on Ubuntu Linux. This one is a doozy. With Playstation Now, you can play over 700 real PS2, PS3 and PS4 games on your Ubuntu computer. The technology uses streaming from remote server where the gaming console exists. Sony typically will give you a couple weeks… Continue reading Install Sony Playstation Now (PS Now) on Ubuntu